Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013



Kriston Couchey

A Spiritual Experience

I was asked by a friend to come to a weekend Christian gathering she and her husband were hosting in Central Minnesota. I was not a speaker at the meetings, but the Lord gave me a word for it. I felt Sunday would be the day to go to this meeting to honor the hosts who were to speak that day. As the weekend approached, there was a conflict that came up for that Sunday. But I kept my peace in God, and was confident He would work things out.

Friday, I called a local pastor for some information that resolved the conflict. I mentioned the meetings, and that I wasn’t sure if I was going Saturday or Sunday. He asked to pray with me for clarity. I didn’t feel any need for him to pray, but he was being nice, so I said, “Yes”, and he prayed. It was a generic prayer that asked God to give clarity and direction. I thanked him and hung up.

Something Is Wrong
Saturday, my sense of God’s presence was gone. I tried to rest in God but he was nowhere to be found. I felt as if I had tunnel vision and was in a spiritual stupor. All day as I went about business I sought God for clarity and direction but the unction and fire of God was missing. The day passed and I didn’t go to the meetings because I had no unction to do so. I decided to go Sunday since the day had gone by and I found no peace.

I got up Sunday to the same thing. On the two hour journey I began to fight for my rest in God. I was unable to find it and became frustrated, wondering what was wrong. The thought then came to me that the problem was the pastor’s prayer. I prayed, breaking off and rejecting the prayer said over me.

Suddenly peace and rest from the presence of God overtook me, and the literal feeling of tunnel vision left as my spiritual perception returned. I went to the meetings, was blessed greatly, and was asked to give the word, which I had told no one I had.

So what was that?
The Lord revealed to me over the next few days what had happened. It was not witchcraft from the pastor. It was not demonic oppression trying to keep me from giving a word. God was not mad at me or withholding Himself from me.

It was a simple principle called dependency. I had accepted a prayer for me for something I already had established in my life; the guidance and direction of the Holy Spirit. In effect I had turned from the inner peace and rest of the Lord in my own spirit. I turned to a man to receive what he had to offer in its place. I cut the cord with the Lord and handed it to a man. (Sounds like one of those dismal country songs lamenting the destruction of a relationship)

Babies are dependent, Not adults
When I was a baby I was dependent upon others to teach me, feed me, protect me, and correct my mistakes; in order that I might learn how to become a full functioning human being. A prayer for clarity might be appropriate for an immature believer who has not learned to “hear” the voice of the Spirit. But when a believer grows they no longer need someone to keep propping them up and giving them direction unless they have been taught to get direction from a man instead of the Lord.

Current Pastoral leadership-Spiritual Dependency
I experienced a very similar experience when the Lord told me to go to the wilderness. The very next day I quit worship leading, jail ministry, intercessory group, etc.

Most importantly I came out from the inappropriate subjection to a pastor. That pastoral tie being severed was like a fresh breeze from heaven. The level of revelation and vision I received after that was like waking from a dream. In my opinion, current pastoral leadership models are at best inappropriate and stunting, and at worst controlling and slavery.

Feeling like you are looking through a tunnel and have little peace? How about tying a cord to the Lord and cutting it from a man?


My Highest Purpose Fulfilled

By Kriston Couchey

My Highest Purpose Fulfilled 

Any one exposed to and receiving prophetic ministry has probably received "destiny" words that give promises and clarity concerning the purpose for which they were created. My understanding of a spiritual destiny being fulfilled used to be the obtaining of the highest place and authority the Lord has promised.

The Road to your Destiny
Unlike the world's idea of success and fulfillment, the way in which a believers purposes are fulfilled is by coming to the place of realization that position and authority are not the highest purposes of a Christian. Many (including myself) have pursued and clung to the hope of a great destiny without realizing we are simply repeating the request of the Sons of Zebedee.

Matt. 20:20 Then came to him the mother of the sons of Zebedee with her sons, worshipping him, and asking a certain thing of him. 21 And he said unto her, What wouldest thou? She saith unto him, Command that these my two sons may sit, one on thy right hand, and one on thy left hand, in thy kingdom. 22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink the cup that I am about to drink? They say unto him, We are able. 

There Is a Cup To Drink

There is a cup to drink; a cup of death to self-exalting dreams. We ask God to fulfill our destinies and are shocked when the first thing He asks is for us to stop ministering to people and working for Him and come away with Him into a wilderness of obscurity and intimacy.

We find we are powerless to do anything apart from Him and the passion He places in us. We become dependant on Him and His great mercy in the midst of our failure. We are no longer concerned with a great destiny anymore, but we begin to live to please Him in all things. We learn to trust what He says in spite of what our failure and sin would say.

Realizing our Highest Purpose

After walking with the Lord as our sole source and comfort, we realize that our highest purpose was not to become great in position and authority, but it is now to become great in our Love and Obedience to Jesus, the Lover of our souls.

Our Highest purpose has now become to stand before Him blameless and holy, willing to give all for Him. The lesser purposes of place and authority can be released to us with the confidence that these will no longer be the driving force of our lives.

In Him

Kriston Couchey


Early Church Structure

III John 9 I wrote unto the church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, did not receive us. 10 Therefore, if I come, I will cause his deeds to be understood, speaking against us with malicious words, and not content with this, he does not receive the brethren and forbids those that desire to receive them and casts them out of the church. 11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that does good is of God, but he that does evil has not seen God. 12 Everyone gives testimony of Demetrius, even the truth itself; and we also bear witness, and ye have known that our witness is true.

When reading these verses from 3rd John, we have to ask the question: who is in charge of this church? Is Diotrephes? If he is, then John tells Gaius to not follow him by saying, do not follow that which is evil, but that which is good. The lines of authority are not matching up with today's idea of what the church is. Would an apostle today tell a congregation to not follow their pastor?

But If Diotrephes is not the leader, then who is? Is Demetrius? If so, why is he not rebuking and casting out Diotrephes with his pastoral authority? Why are leadership roles so ambiguous in this scripture?

Promised Land Structure

Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.

For the Israelites, there was no king, and the people seemed to be quickly straying into worship of Idols and practicing the sins of the Canaanites. The question is who was in charge? The answer is GOD WAS IN CHARGE!

Which way did God prefer it, Before the king or after? Before!

Certainly the people had elders who gathered to seek God for major decisions, but on the whole each one was responsible before God to live a life pleasing to Him.

The same answer goes for the early church. GOD WAS IN CHARGE! Not Diotrephes, Nor Demetrius, but God. Either one may have been considered an elder. Either one could have been a pastor. But being a pastor did not make one in charge.

There was no one given that role but GOD!! These two were simply part of a congregation of believers. Each person had a place and a gift in that assembly. But apparently when one pursued a preeminent role, it was enough that John the Beloved decided he was going to come and set him straight, and sent a letter to a trusted friend giving him the heads up.

Adam and Eve were in the garden alone and expected to make decisions on their own regarding the tree in the middle of the garden. Who was in charge? GOD!

Freedom is more dangerous and makes one solely responsible for his or her own actions, but God prefers freedom.

What role did the mature in the faith take in the early church congregation? They were called elders, simply those who had maturity and could make sound spiritual decisions and teach what they had learned about following Jesus to the rest who were on their way to being mature (elders).

EARLY LOCAL CHURCH DISCIPLINE AND DECISIONS (Clues to the structure of Early Church)

Gal.6:1 Brethren, if anyone is overtaken in a fault, ye who are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself lest thou also be tempted. 2 Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of the Christ.3 For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.

I Cor 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go unto judgment before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more the things that pertain to this life? 4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set as judges the most humble who are in the church.

Matt. 18:15 Therefore if thy brother shall sin against thee, go and reprove him between thee and him alone; if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. 16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established. 17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church; but if he neglects to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a worldly man and a publican.

I want you to notice some things here about these three references to dealing with the faults of, or making judgements concerning brethren:

Not once is a pastor mentioned or even addressed.

Paul puts a premium on being meek and the most humble when dealing with others.

Remember when Jesus left His disciples he didn't give them a blueprint or instructions on church structure. He gave them one command.

To LOVE ONE ANOTHER as He had loved them. He told them previously that Loving God and Others was the fulfullment of the law. I tell you that this kind of love is also the fulfillment of the church.

All new "Structures", will be judged by their ability to express Love efficiently and in a way that does not give great cause for questioning motives or intent.

Many will not be able to flow in the new Order of things simply due to their inability to operate in a structure whose mortar is Love. The lack of love causes men to try to keep structures together with control.

I've observed a friend try to write down and redesign a new structure the church should take, and he ended up in frustration.

How do you redesign and restructure a family? A family that is already built on the Love of Father expressed through the Son.

It's structure has not changed just because someone else has come in and made it a dictatorship, democracy, or a business.

Thoughts on Pastoral Roles in the Church

"I know of three places here in Minnesota where moves of God took place in loosely organized groups of people. God moved until in each case they decided they needed a king (pastor) to lead them. Then of course The move of God stopped."

"I am not against pastors or thier functioning in the church. The question I have for them is where is your place in the body?

Many pastors have pure hearts and motives to serve people, but like the Israelites wanting a king, people place them in roles they are not meant to take.

In one of the places I talked about where there was a move of God, one of the existing leaders took over as "The" pastor. Until then he was one of the voices The Holy Spirit spoke through. Well now they have one voice, one perspective and one opinion. The anointing still flows, but now its just one man's and anyone with a similiar anointing.

So now if a person with a different anointing has new or different perspectives, they can be labeled as divisive and rebellious if the pastor does not have the vision to see it.

How can a church grow and move with the Wind of the Spirit when it is subject to one man's control? It can't! A wise man will be like Gideon (Judges 8:22-23), and refuse to rule over the church.

That is why there are various gifts that are encouraged to be exercised and judged by the congregation. You will find sometimes a major direction change God will give will be through the mouth of the least of the saints. This is for prides sake. Hearing God in His people is a precious thing, and pastors have mocked people who dared think they heard God.

My heart breaks for the people sitting silent and listening with anointings dry and empty. They are untrained for the work of the ministry, and unable to hear clearly from God anything other then what the pastor is teaching.

I am firmly convinced a pastors role is to nurture believers to a certain level of maturity and then they let them go. In my opinion pastors are not to be the focal point of a congregation, but they are one of many mature believers (elders) who are just as valueable as a pastor. Yes, there are levels of spiritual authority, but authority to do what? And how is it used?

A parent has authority to teach, nurture, and discipline a child, but you would think it odd if a child after 20 years still was diapered and hand fed by thier parents, yet in the church that is standard operating procedure. We become dependant on a man and are unable to mature further because we give place to a man and expect him to hear God for us. The same temptation is there for all the ascencion gifts.

I believe apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, and evangelists functions are to cease one day according to:

Eph 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: 14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

With this in mind it is important for all who consider themselves leaders of God's people to make sure they are not taking an inappropriate place and simply work toward the goal of training people to do the work of the ministry, and helping them grow to the stature and fulness of Christ.

I am just speaking the truth as I believe the Lord has revealed it to me. I am prepared to put these truths to the test even more in the future as oppurtunity arises.

The heart of it all; laying down your life for the sheep, your ministry, your gifts, your pride, in order to come alongside and be a lowly servant to God's people.

I think in certain situations, the best thing for a pastor is to get a job, sell the building, and start giving all the collections to the needy in the church. This would really shake up peoples perspective on leadership and what church is really about. A pastor doing this might even get excommunicated.
Ministry Changes

In Jesus' day He confronted, offended and threatened the religious mind and system. So also in this day the revolution of true kingdom ministry will confront, offend and threaten the "system" of church life today.

This revolution will affect every aspect of what some would call 5-fold ministry. These changes will be born out of a love and humility that has a clear vision of the heart and purposes of the Lord. Those willing to walk in this Love and humility will be willing to change the manner in which they operate in order to serve the body in a manner pleasing to the Lord. Here are some of the changes you can expect.

Ministry of the Apostle

Though there are many different spheres of apostolic ministry, here is a general description of today’s apostolic ministry.

Today’s apostle can be equaled to a president of an organization. On a larger scale the apostle has a multitude of churches under their authority. High visibility Apostles today relate to those who are willing to cut a covenant with them by either signing a contract or agreeing to a covenant with them which makes them "part" of the network of apostolic leadership.

Some apostles on local levels serve the role of traditional pastors. Their network is the people who are under them and are in covenant with them by membership or tithe.

The role of apostle is going to change most dramatically because of true revelation on the ministry of apostle that has not been manifest yet. Walking the way of the crucified life will transform apostolic understanding greatly.

One great understanding will be the restoration of walking in the "ONE" covenant already made by the blood of Jesus. Extra covenants will be seen for what they are, divisions and separation of brethren.

A release of regions to complete freedom and reliance upon the Spirit will be the result of conviction and repentance over the way in which the Lord's church has become the possession of men. An understanding of laying down your life for the sheep and TRUE servant hood of the bride will break the chains of the unbiblical "covering" doctrine, denominationalism, and current apostolic networks. This will release the Spirit to cross-pollinate what men have boxed and limited.

Locally there will be a premium on hearing the Lord for yourself and not looking to "Moses" or the pastor, prophet or apostle for direction. Apostles will fight for the freedom of the body to express the mind and heart of the Lord corporately. Services will be more worship and Spirit led preaching, prophesying, and teaching rather then the organized strictures of man controlled order. Apostles, prophets and pastors will serve alongside other mature individuals as facilitators and watchmen for the enemy’s attacks, rather then the sole sources of inspiration and teaching. You may not even know who an apostle or pastor are in a typical meeting as the Lord will simply have His way.

Apostles will learn to relate as friends and equals, not as "teachers" or censures. Team leadership and corporate body ministry will be the heart of apostles. Their greatest joys will be to see others step out boldly in ministry gifts and calls, even to their own decrease. They will be firm with those who desire is to draw men unto themselves. They will see clearly wolves whose intent is to devour or divide the sheep and deal swiftly with them.

Ministry of the Pastor

Today’s ministry of Pastor is one of CEO and religious service director. Salaried and employed by the people, the pastor is responsible to feed the sheep. This feeding is not done by simply leading them to green pastures and still water where they can graze and drink. But today the pastor is the hand that harvests and spoon feeds the sheep.

Tomorrow’s Pastor will relate on a more intimate level as a loving friend whose concern for individuals will be shown by personal love and edification. They may not be recognizable as a "pastor" in a group setting at times. They will have the ability to feed people by directing them to "feed" or graze from the green pastures of corporate body ministry, and to drink peacefully from the Holy Spirit's water of Life.

Pastors will have a place at times for corporate speaking; but then again, all of the body will have a place to do this.


The Lord is not interested in titles, He is interested in results. If the results we see today do not measure up to what He is desiring it is because we are not seeking the results He is, or we are trying to accomplish His desired results in our own flesh, or in our own way. We need to pray to the Lord to see clearly what we are doing to stop Him from accomplishing His will. We may be surprised to find out that the very things we are doing to try to serve Him are hindering Him from doing what He wants to do.
Kris Couchey